Recently, I was evaluating a verification suite, Riviera-PRO by Aldec. The problem I ran into was that our current environment is ModelSim's signal_spy was being used all over the place to spy and force signals. The problem resides in that I have found no apparent way to "pre-process" VHDL files in modelsim. Riviera allows you to do so with --vhdl_compile_off and --vhdl_compile_on pragma
To remedy this, I took Riviera's near equivalent signal_agent and signal_spy and combined them into my own proprietary package for lack of a better name sim_utils. This is then implemented as follows:
1) Both Aldec and Riviera procedures are defined in the file allowing use of either format.
2) There are two separate sim_utils libraries. One of which will be called at compile time depending whether the compiler is through Aldec or Modelsim.
Here is an example of an alias.
Next, init_signal_spy is implemented under Aldec. Create a procedure init_signal_spy with the same parameters as Modelsim's version, this will make it so that the only lines that will need to change are the library lines.
To remedy this, I took Riviera's near equivalent signal_agent and signal_spy and combined them into my own proprietary package for lack of a better name sim_utils. This is then implemented as follows:
1) Both Aldec and Riviera procedures are defined in the file allowing use of either format.
2) There are two separate sim_utils libraries. One of which will be called at compile time depending whether the compiler is through Aldec or Modelsim.
First, the existing procedures must be mapped so that they can still be accessed. i.e. we want to just call the modelsim procedures within a modelsim environment.Here is an example of an alias.
ALIAS init_signal_spy IS modelsim_lib.util.init_signal_spy [STRING, STRING, INTEGER, INTEGER];What this does is allows the calling of init_singal_spy as is, under modelsim.
Next, init_signal_spy is implemented under Aldec. Create a procedure init_signal_spy with the same parameters as Modelsim's version, this will make it so that the only lines that will need to change are the library lines.
PROCEDURE init_signal_spy(
scr_object : IN STRING;
dest_object : IN STRING;
verbose : IN INTEGER := 0;
control_state : IN INTEGER := -1) IS
ASSERT (control_state = -1)
REPORT "Control State is unsupported under Aldec tools."
END PROCEDURE init_signal_spy;